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Fresh Meat

Inspired by the works of SH Sadler's recent "Fresh Meat", I worked with MUA and creative director Kellsie Calista to create this image amongst others in a series. SH Sadler used their editorial to explore the dehumanisation created by current beauty standards in photography. They highlight how social media has shaped the way we interact with each other and how it has magnified the transferral of beauty standards from models to every day people. Having once been only a black art, the ability to produce model standard photos has now been made available to anyone through the sharing of tips and tricks with filters and angles.This photo ultimately explores the harm in professional photography as they dictate the beauty standards of society. This harm is not only imposed on the models - exploring their autonomy in the field as well as compromising their self-esteem - but also the general public who are fresh eyes to these works.



As questioned by SH Sadler, Calista & I explore the line between beauty and the ugly in this shoot Fresh Meat.

Special Thanks to..

Creative Director & MUA: Kellie Callista (@kellsiecalista)


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